Never let me down. Again.

Mom's best friend, Martha the stuffed pig, never lets her down.

Mom’s best friend, Martha the stuffed pig, never lets her down.

Thanks for all the well wishes and concern about my mom.  As a quick update – my mom is out of the hospital. She has peed, but is now in diapers. As a way to remember some good times, I give your this…

As the eldest daughter of two siblings, my mom has saved my ass a several times. I have always counted on her and she always saves me from trouble. For example – l when I wanted to rent an RV and drive about the country solo – yep she talked me out of that or when she picked me up in San Francisco after my four-month apartment swap only lasted three months, because someone started to repeatedly breaking into my car – which in alarming enough, but the police suggested maybe I should leave the doors unlocked so the perp wouldn’t have to break the window to get into my car.

Huh? Maybe I should leave a mint on a pillow in the backseat too. Jeesh.   Point is – a week later Judy flew out so we could ride back to Chicago together.   Loved her for that. It was a good trip.

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Why can’t you all just leave me alone…


What do you want from me!!!!!!!!! UGH.

What do you want from me!!!!!!!!! UGH.

Blood from a stone. I feel like that’s what we are trying to accomplish here.  Dr. Stringer will not release my mom from the hospital until she urinates. Judy’s been here for 36 hours. The nurses, the CNAs, John, Amy and I – all shadow and encourage her like she’s a baby about to take first steps.   We want it so bad for her.   We want to leave yes, another night of all the beeping machines, stale air and sterile surroundings are confusing.   But mainly I’m not ready for my mom to wear diapers.  Let’s keep this part of her dignity.

The tension in the room is thick, and the more she senses the urgency – the more she turns away from us and our goal.  We are asking her to do something, put pee in the toilet, she can’t comprehend.  

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Hospital – dehydration

Mom’s in the hospital. She had a seizure – probably brought on by not drinking enough fluids. It’s hard to get them down. Diet Coke works and water sometimes. But John found her passed out on the floor in the bathroom after she had vomited.

Not good news. And the doctors are trying to prepare us for a further decline in her awareness based on this episode. It reminds me of the article shared by the Alzheimer’s Association on how there are so many unreported deaths that are a result of Alzheimer’s complications – but they do not get reported that way.

Amy and John were at the hospital in the day. I was at work and am sleeping over in the recliner chair, so she won’t wake up alone not knowing where she it.  

I feel so bad for her.  Oh mom – when will your peace come.